What Awaits Us In The Future?

3 min readMar 18, 2022

Entrepreneurship has taken such an important place in our lives lately that people have begun to question what the future of entrepreneurship will be and even make predictions about it.

while entrepreneurship was a business that many people were unfamiliar with maybe ten years ago, it has now become a business that almost everyone does as an additional income in some way. It is expected that the number of people engaged in entrepreneurship will continue to increase in the future.

while jobs that once did not exist are very popular today, similar events will occur in the future. According to a study, 65% of primary school-aged children will work in jobs that do not yet exist in the future.

While many professions are disappearing, new jobs are born in direct proportion to need and technology. The biggest reason for this is seen as the increase in the number of graduates, the contraction in the business volume, and the decrease in employment.

Automation Will Increase Creativity At a time when the Internet and technology are so widespread, states are evaluating this situation in their favor. With advances such as advances in automated cars and drones, new technologies are believed to make thousands of jobs obsolete. For this reason, some organizations are already withdrawing from the market little by little.

While advances in technology may temporarily displace some industries, history shows us that technology tends to create more jobs than it destroys. The modernization of standard business processes and off-the-shelf computing solutions will provide more room for entrepreneurial ingenuity and driving innovation.

Thus, entrepreneurs will be able to devote more time to innovation and less time to their routine work. This will always be a situation that will take them further. Virtual Companies The last decade has seen a significant increase in globalization, cross-industry trust, and international outsourcing. Thanks to advances in broadband and cloud computing, companies find remote work to be a low-cost but efficient way of working for them.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics found that 32% of workers in the United States conducted most or all of their work from home in 2016. Today, this rate has led to the increasing prevalence of remote working and hybrid working models due to Covid. There are many companies currently implementing those working models, and this trend is increasing. What this means for entrepreneurship is that companies turn to location-independent ventures that can be operated from anywhere in the world.

Open Collaboration It is very important to pursue your ideas and dreams in the field of entrepreneurship. However, as technological developments continue at a rapid pace, entrepreneurs find it more logical to engage in market research and take part in market vitality, rather than waiting a few years for their ideas to be accepted and approved.

After all, investors and customers are only interested in what they need and what companies offer them in response to that need. The important thing is to evaluate entrepreneurship in a way, to cooperate with relevant companies at the starting point for this, and perhaps to open many new opportunities for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial candidates.

Developing and changing technology is the biggest indicator of this. Network Marketing, one of the most modern examples of entrepreneurship today, is an area that everyone is interested in.

Stay healthy :)

